For brand new players I think one single Breakfast is a wise addition to the Snack Pack. It's cheap (10 coins) and gives you 1 coin per minute while you're off the website - so it pays itself back in 10 minutes. This isn't much for seasoned players, but for newbies, it makes a reliable income stream and is good money to wake up to in the morning. If you beg-bet every game you'll make something like 60 to 240 coins, if you close the tab and come back an hour later you'll get another 60 on top of that.

Sell it once you've got your bearings and you need the slot back.

The important thing is - Don't buy more than one! Multiple Breakfast does NOT increase the rate of coin generation, only the limit you can earn while offline. Since the first level is 2000 coins, or 2000 minutes, that is 33 hours of Offline Time before it would even make a difference.

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Yeah, potentially! I have concerns about it taking up that slot, but it's probably good for an idle chaos build.

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